Turn your AC will on, when the outside temperature rises above a selected temperature
Popular VeeZy Air Conditioner workflows & automations
Turn your AC off, when the outside temperature falls below a selected temperature
When electricity is low carbon at your location, turn on AC
AC will be turned off, when you exit an area you specify
AC will be turned on, when you enter an area you specify
Zoom will turn off the AC when a meeting starts
When electricity is high carbon at your location, turn off AC
When save/eco mode is selected in the AC, reduce the brightness of the lights.
When a message 'turnonac' is sent to IFTTT, turn on AC
When a message 'turnoffac' is sent to IFTTT, turn off AC
Turn on the AC every day according to the set time
AC will be turned off, when the last group member exits an area you specify