When I leave my house, close my garage door
Popular GarageWiFi & Gates workflows & automations
When I arrive at my house, open my garage door
Open garage door using Amazon Alexa
Close garage door using Amazon Alexa
Be sure that your garage door is closed every night
When my garage door is open, receive a notification.
When my garage door is closed, receive a notification.
When garage door is open, register the time in Google Sheets
Open garage door every day at specific time
When I open my garage door, turn on my Phillips Hue lights
When garage door is closed, register the time in Google Sheets
If you say "Okay Google, open gate", then Open House Gate
Open gate 8am weekend
Homey, Close iSmartGate
Homey, Open iSmartGate
Close garage door when your Sleep Recording starts
Start your business by renting parking spaces. GarageWiFi will open the door for you.