Adds a random Wikipedia article to your Feedly queue every day
Popular Feedly workflows & automations
When you save an article in Feedly, save it in Pocket too
Save your feedly saved articles to a Google Drive spreadsheet
Save the posts you like on Tumblr to your Feedly queue
Add feedly subscriptions to google drive spreadsheet
Put IFTTT Updates in my Feedly Feed.
Automatically add article links to Evernote when you Save for Later in Feedly
Feedly iOS Push Notification
best feedly to wordpress post
Email new articles from Feedly as daily digest
Feedly Saved for Later Items to Buffer
Feedly items saved for later to Evernote
Tweet when there are new articles in a particular Feedly category
Add Feedly read-laters to Instapaper
Redefine "save for later" feedly button as "email to self"
Share new articles from a specific Feedly Category on your Facebook Page
Feedly Category to Slack Channel
Twitter to Feedly
Automatically post your Feedly save for later articles to a Slack channel
From Feedly "save for later" to PDF in Dropbox. Works as expected as of 7/2/13
Create a Wordpress post when you save an article on Feedly
Email new articles from Feedly as weekly digest
Feedly to Twitter
Tumblr Dashboard to Feedly
Save Feedly "Read Laters" to
Feedly read later to Reading List
Save the URL in your favorite tweets to your read it later list in Feedly
Push RSS Feed to Kindle via Feedly
New items from a category in Feedly sent to Pocket to read later.
Feedly Saved for Later to Pinboard Read Later.If There are Tags of Feedly, It's Tags of Pinboard.
If there's a new article in a category in feedly, add a row to Google Spreadsheet
Feedly to email
Saved Feedly Article to Drive as Document
if saved for later on feedly then create a pdf file to drive
Saved Feedly articles to OneNote.
News source on the fly
Articles saved for later in Feedly get shortened and added as private bitlinks
Feedly instapaper
New article in a specific category in Feedly, Pushbullet notifies your device
Saved to Gdrive
Feedly "Saved for Later" to Diigo
If Feedly Then Add to Buffer
If I save a reddit post, save it for later in feedly.
Save 500px Editors' Choice photos for #Journalism in Feedly
Send me an email digest of my #Feedly articles saved for later every morning.
Any new item added to pocket is also added to Feedly's saved-for-later queue.
Add Feedly bookmarks to Pinboard