Connect Email to Twitter and unlock powerful automations

Popular Email and Twitter workflows and automations

Useful Email and Twitter integrations

Triggers (If this)

Email and Twitter resources

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

Twitch is one of the most popular services on IFTTT. Automate your Twitch today!

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2025

7 repetitive tasks that small businesses should automate in 2025

Looking to improve your small business? Consider automating some of your tasks. IFTT will help you explore the benefits of automation and recommend some popular apps to use. Small Busines Automation

Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations

Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations

Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT Integrations

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT Integrations

Check out our best Google Calendar integrations and learn how you can automate Google Calendar in minutes with IFTTT! You already know how useful Google Calendar can be for managing tasks and schedules. The possibilities with Google Cale...

Guide to Organizing and Saving Articles

Guide to Organizing and Saving Articles

Become the most productive person in the room by creating the Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet.

Introducing our new service: Threads

Introducing our new service: Threads

Introducing our newest service, Threads! Now you can connect Threads to 1000 services on IFTTT. Automate your social posting, archive your Threads, or use AI to post to Threads! Click to learn more.

Top Spotify integrations with IFTTT

Top Spotify integrations with IFTTT

Don't stand by while millions are revolutionizing their listening experience. IFTTT offers thousands of automations that can help take your Spotify to the next level.

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow

the 25 best IFTTT Applets

How to build a YouTube audience quick in 2025

How to build a YouTube audience quick in 2025

Click to learn how to build a YouTube audience quick in 2025

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together