Popular Android Device and Spotify workflows and automations
Wallpaper for a song
Music lover
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Useful Android Device and Spotify integrations
Triggers (If this)
Notification received
This trigger fires every time any new notification is received on your Android device. NOTE: will not fire for IFTTT app notifications.
New followed show
This trigger fires every time you follow a new show on Spotify.
Notification received from a specific app
This trigger fires every time a new notification is received on your Android device from an app that you specify. NOTE: will not fire for IFTTT app notifications.
New saved episode
This Trigger fires every time you save a new episode to your library on Spotify.
Connects to a Bluetooth device
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects to a Bluetooth device.
New saved track
This Trigger fires every time you save a new track to Your Music on Spotify.
Disconnects from a Bluetooth device
This Trigger fires every time your Android device disconnects from a Bluetooth device.
New show from search
This trigger fires every time a new show appears in your search
Connects to any WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects to any WiFi network.
New recently played track
This trigger fires every time you have played a new track on Spotify.
Disconnects from any WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device disconnects from any WiFi network.
New saved album
This trigger fires every time you save a new album to Your Music on Spotify.
Connects or disconnects from any WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects or disconnects from any WiFi network.
New episode from a followed show
This Trigger fires every time a followed show releases a new episode on Spotify.
Connects to a specific WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects to a WiFi network you specify.
New episode from search
This trigger fires every time a new episode is released that matches your search
Disconnects from a specific WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device disconnects from a WiFi network you specify.
New track added to a playlist
This Trigger fires every time a new track is added to a playlist you specify.
Connects or disconnects from a specific WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects or disconnects from a WiFi network you specify.

Queries (With)
Search artists
This query returns a list of artists matching a query.
Get artist details
This query returns information about a given artist.
Search albums
This query returns the albums that match the given query.
Get album details
This query returns details for a given album.
Get artists for album
This query will return artists for a given album.
Get tracks for album
This query returns the tracks on an album.
Search tracks
This query returns the tracks on Spotify that match the given query.
Get track details
This query returns details about a track.
Get artists for track
This query returns a track's artists.
Search playlists
This query returns a list of matching playlists given a query.
Get tracks from a playlist
This query returns the tracks on a playlist.
Get user's saved tracks
This query returns the user's saved tracks.
Get user's saved playlists
This query returns the user's saved playlists.
History of new saved tracks
This query fires every time you save a new track to Your Music on Spotify.
History of new track addition to a playlist
This query returns a list of events when a new track was added to a playlist you specify.
Recently Played Tracks
This query returns the recently played tracks on Spotify.
Currently playing track
This query returns the track that is currently playing on Spotify.
Get audio features from a track
This query returns the audio feature from a track
Get user top tracks
This query returns your top tracks
Get track recommendations
This query returns track recommendations based on your top tracks.
Get show details
This query returns details for a given show.
Get show episodes
This query returns available episodes for a given show.
Get featured playlists
This query returns a list of featured playlists.

Actions (Then that)
Skip track
This action will skip to next track in the current playback queue on Spotify. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
Update device wallpaper
This Action will update the wallpaper on your Android device from the image URL you specify.
Pause playback
This action will pause current playback on Spotify. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
Play a specific song
This Action will play a song you specify on your Android device. The music played depends on your device and setup. Depending on your version of Android, playback may not start automatically.
Add track to playback queue
This action will add a track you specify to the end of current playback queue on Spotify. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
Play music
This Action will play music on your Android device. The music played depends on your device and setup. Depending on your version of Android, playback may not start automatically.
Add track to a playlist by TrackID
This Action will add a track to a playlist given a TrackID
Launch Google Maps Navigation
This Action will launch Google Maps Navigation on your Android device and begin turn-by-turn guidance to the destination you specify.
Save a track
This Action will search for a track you specify and save the first matching result to Your Music on Spotify.
Mute ringtone
This action will mute your Android device's ringtone. If your device is already muted, it will remain muted.
Follow a playlist
This action will follow a playlist you specify. It accepts Spotify Playlist IDs.
Set ringtone volume
This Action will set the ringtone volume of your Android device.
Start playback
Start a new context or resume current playback on the user’s active device. Only available for Spotify premium accounts.
Add track to a playlist
This Action will search for a track and add the first result to a playlist you specify.

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