This Action will create a new highlight or action log entry. Highlight events show up as a list of accomplishments in your reports. Action events are similar, but they can be grouped and categorized as well. API endpoint slug rescuetime.highlights_post Filter code method Rescuetime.highlightsPost.skip(string?: reason) Runtime method runAction("rescuetime.highlights_post", {})
Action fields Label Highlight text Helper text Max. 250 characters Slug description Required true Can have default value true Filter code method Rescuetime.highlightsPost.setDescription(string: description) Label Highlight type Helper text Optional: The type of thing this highlight describes. This will be used as a label to group highlights in your reports. (e.g. Tweet, code commit). Slug source Required false Can have default value true Filter code method Rescuetime.highlightsPost.setSource(string: source)