Get a notification when you get a new JotForm submission
Popular Jotform workflows & automations
Send a message to Line from Jotform
Automatically backup your JotForm entries to Google Drive
Automatically log all JotForm entries to Google Calendar
Automatically log your JotForm submission in Dropbox
Automatically create a Trello card and send a Slack message when a new JotForm entry is made
Save your survey results to Google Docs
Send an email when my form gets a submission
Get an email whenever you get a new JotForm submission
Upload Jotform files to Dropbox
Jotform to Telegram
Create Mailchimp contacts with Jotform
Create ClickUp tasks for new submissions in Jotform
When a new client fills out a Jotform submission, send a notification
If a new submission in Jotform is received, then send an SMS to a phone number
When a new client fills out a form in Jotform, send a text message
Send SMS on Jotform submission
Save form attachments to OneDrive
add up to 300+ social media icons for sharing in my blogger
Notification For Jot Form Submission - clgBOY
Create Wave customers from new Jotform submissions
Summarize new Jotform submissions
Backup all sales receipts in Dropbox
When a client fills out a form, create a calendar event
When a client fills out a form, create a calendar event
When a new client fills out a Jotform submission, send a Slack notification
Save my photos and files uploaded through Jotform in Box
Backup your Jotform forms in Evernote
Validate Jotform submission Email Address with TuxMailer before sending to Mailchimp.
Validate an email address in TuxMailer, when a new form submission is created in JotForm.
Update Airtable with every Jotform submission
Create a task in Asana when you get a Jotform entry