Prioritize a device when it connects to your OnHub network
Popular Google Wifi workflows & automations
Log every time you connect to OnHub in a Google Spreadsheet
If you say "Alexa, Trigger priority device", then OnHub will prioritize that device
Receive a Gmail message when a device joins your OnHub network
Receive a notification when a certain device disconnects from OnHub
At a select time every day, prioritize a certain device
Turn your Philips Hue lights on when a device connects to OnHub
Stone Cold Steve Austin Entrance Music
When a device disconnects from OnHub send me an email
When a device connects to OnHub send me an email
If phone connects to Google Wifi, then set ringtone volume
Google Wifi Notification
If motion is detected by the Ring doorbell, prioritize its traffic on Google's OnHub.
When a device disconnects from OnHub turn off Philips Hue lights
Log every time you disconnect to OnHub in a Google Spreadsheet
When a device connects to OnHub turn on Lifx lights
Prioritize WiFi Call on OnHub
When I get home send welcome notification to my watch
When a device disconnects from OnHub turn off Lifx lights
When you unplug your phone from charging, give it Wi-Fi priority
When a device connects to OnHub activate a Wink shortcut
When a device connects to OnHub start Harmony activity
When a device connects to OnHub call my phone
If a device connects to OnHub, then activate WeMo switch
Google Wifi Disconnection Log
When a device disconnects from OnHub call my phone
When a device disconnects from OnHub end Harmony activity
When a device connects to OnHub set Ecobee thermostat temperature
When a device connects to OnHub set Honeywell thermostat temperature
Pause WiFi connection to your kid's iPad when it's dinner time using a Flic button.
When a device disconnects from OnHub turn off WeMo Insight switch.
Have Google Wifi prioritize your zoom call quality when a meetings starts
When a device connects to OnHub turn on WeMo Insight switch.
If device disconnects from Google Wifi, Then toggle Ezviz Camera Alerts On
Unpause OnHub WiFi connection to your kid's iPad when dinner is *officially* over.
Automatically disarm Blink system
Make OnHub Prioritize a WiFi device when you click Flic
when arrive home then trigger this scene
When a specific device disconnects from Google Wifi, run an Apilio Logicblock (2)
When a specific device connects to Google Wifi, set a variable to true in Apilio (2)
When a specific device disconnects from Google Wifi, set a variable to false in Apilio (2)
When a specific device connects to Google Wifi, run an Apilio Logicblock (2)
If front door opened while not connected to WiFi then send notification to Andriod Wear
Where do you think you are going?
Manage SURFboard network connectivity when Google Wifi is turned on
Turn OFF the AC when phone disconnects from Google Wi-Fi