"Alexa, trigger Sleep Mode"
Popular EZVIZ workflows & automations
Get an email when your EZVIZ camera senses motion
Turn your camera on when you leave home
Turn on Sleep mode when I arrive home (for Android)
Turn on Philips Hue when motion is detected.
Send Sms when the Ezviz camera detects a movement
Call my Phone when Ezviz detects a movement
Turn on Sleep Mode at night.
Turn your WeMo switch on when motion is detected
Attiva la notifica allarme quando esco di casa
Play music or audio when Ezviz detects a movement
Active alarm notification by button
Disattiva la notifica allarme quando rientro in casa
If [time] change ezviz alarm notification
Attiva il Sonoff Basic quando la telecamera Ezviz rileva un movimento
Alexa, aziona la modalità privacy
Wake and Enable Alarm on EZVIZ Camera
If An alarm event is triggered on EZVIZ, then Upload file from WEMO URL to your Drive
If device disconnects from Google Wifi, Then toggle Ezviz Camera Alerts On
If alarm event is triggered on Camera, then send IFTTTrigger-1 action to your Alexa device
Activation Alarme
Schedule Privacy Mode On
If An alarm event is triggered on DSTvG-Cam2, then Send video to Private chat with @IFTTT
If An alarm event is triggered on Kitchen Camera, then set Spot 1 color to Red and brightness to 50%
If device connects to Google Wifi, Then toggle Ezviz Camera Alerts Off
Kubu triggers the EZVIZ camera arm mode when your door is locked
When an EZVIZ alarm event occurs, run an Apilio Logicblock
Full home security
When an EZVIZ alarm event occurs, set a variable to true in Apilio
Toggle EZVIZ Sleep Mode when Apilio triggers an action
Toggle EZVIZ Privacy Mode when Apilio triggers an action
Kubu triggers the EZVIZ camera arm mode when your door is unlocked
Desactivation Alarme