send IFTTTrigger-2 action to your Alexa device
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Other popular Alexa Actions by mkZense workflows and automations
- Bateria 15%
- If temperature rises above 32°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-AboveFrz action to your Alexa device
- If New motion is detected by Camera: Living room, ask Alexa to play your Sparks playlist.
- If alarm event is triggered on Camera, then send IFTTTrigger-1 action to your Alexa device
- Miele Wärmelade An
- If alarm event is triggered on Camera, then send IFTTTrigger action to your Alexa device
- HumidityHigh action
- Receive an Alexa notification when your window is open
Useful Alexa Actions by mkZense and Home Connect Fridge Freezer integrations
Triggers (If this)
- Refrigerator door openedThis trigger fires every time your refrigerator door has been opened.
- Freezer door openedThis trigger fires every time your freezer door has been opened.
- Refrigerator door open too longThis trigger fires every time your refrigerator door was left open too long.
- Freezer door open too longThis trigger fires every time your freezer door was left open too long.
- Freezer temperature too highThis trigger fires every time your freezer temperature is too high.
Queries (With)
- History of freezer temperature too highThis query returns a list of when your freezer temperature was too high.
- History of freezer door opensThis query returns a list of when your freezer door has been opened.
- History of refrigerator door opensThis query returns a list of when your refrigerator door was opened.
- History of refrigerator door open too longThis query returns a list of when your refrigerator door was left open too long.
Actions (Then that)
- Set refrigerator temperatureThis action will set the refrigerator temperature.
- sendAlexaActionByMkzenseThis service from mkZense will send an action to run a routine on your Alexa device. Use it to add Voice to your Applet.
- Set freezer temperatureThis action will set the freezer temperature.
- Activate refrigerator Super Cooling modeThis action will temporarily cool the refrigerator at maximum power.
- Activate freezer Super Freezing modeThis action will temporarily cool the freezer at maximum power.
- Activate Sabbath modeThis action will activate Sabbath mode (Rest mode) on your appliance. Note that this will disable most other actions for your appliance, including remote temperature control.
- Deactivate Sabbath modeThis action will deactivate Sabbath mode on your appliance.
- Activate Vacation modeThis action will activate Vacation mode (Holiday mode) on your appliance. Note that this will change set point temperature and manually changing it will disable the Vacation mode (Holiday mode).
- Deactivate Vacation ModeThis action will deactivate Vacation mode on your appliance.
- Activate Fresh modeThis action will activate Fresh mode on your appliance. Note that this will change set point temperature and manually changing it will disable the Fresh mode.
- Deactivate Fresh modeThis action will deactivate Fresh mode on your appliance.
- Activate Eco modeThis action will activate Eco mode on your appliance. Note that this will change set point temperature and manually changing it will disable the Eco mode.
- Deactivate Eco modeThis action will deactivate Eco mode on your appliance.
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