RSS to Bitly
Popular Bitly workflows & automations
YT to Bitly
Twitter to Bitly
WordPress to Bitly
Back up your bitlinks in a Google Drive Spreadsheet
Blogger to Bitly
Share my instagram photos on
YT Like to Bitly
Create a bitly bitmark for any iPhone screenshots
Twitter to Bit.Ly
Buffer your bitlinks
Diigo to Bitly
Save new Facebook posts to your bitly bitlinks
If RSS Then Bitly
Save all tweeted links to
Instagram to Bitly
Articles saved for later in Feedly get shortened and added as private bitlinks
Fb Page to Bitly
Share all links to OneNote
Bitly > Dropbox
Add a private bitmark with your location
Bitly > Twitter
Video uploads to Dailymotion create public bitmarks
Tumblr post to Bitly
Pocket to Bitly
Publish a post on your Weebly blog if you create a public Bitmark
FB linkpost to bitly
Bitly to OneDrive
- to Facebook Page
if public bitmark then link post
FBPage to Bitly
WP to bitly
Send Instapaper saves to bitly
Trello card to Bitly
- 2 #Evernote
Bitly to Newsblur
Documentation of bitly links
send bitmarks to a evernote
FB page to bitly
Luc #Soundcloud -6